I know I’ll still be with Zinfra in ten years’ time: A culture of career progression

Kelly Imber
Commercial and Subcontractor Performance Manager
My career to get here has been an interesting, non-linear journey. I was working in utilities for around a decade in Victoria and NSW, and generally aware of Zinfra as a service provider for utilities in these areas.
After two former colleagues who had worked for Zinfra and said good things, I put an expression of interest in via the website, and got a call from the Group’s HR team wanting to explore what kind of roles I’d be interested in. It was nice to be contacted by Zinfra and have the conversation about where I could fit in, rather than applying for a specific role.
I interviewed for two different roles and, with my breadth of experience, Zinfra wanted me to take on a role working on the Jemena Electricity Network contract as a Commercial and Project Controls Manager, exploring opportunities for the business. The role has evolved since I started, moving from Project Controls to Subcontractor Performance which I’m enjoying. Managing relationships with our downstream suppliers is an important key to our commercial success.
The biggest change for me is that this is the first time in 20 years I am not managing a team - I’m an individual contributor and I feel I’m a really productive member of the business. It’s nice to be able to focus my attention on the delivery teams who are uncovering commercial opportunities and support them through to fruition.
I’ve now worked for Zinfra coming up to two years, and I’ve been able to make this role my own. I can see there is room for growth to progress my career here in the future. I’m excited; we’ve achieved a lot and there is still a lot to do.
My favourite part about working at Zinfra is that I feel valued, and that the work that I’ve been trusted to complete is important.
Everyone here is open to exploring new ideas and concepts. The best part of my role is getting a task that has been sitting in the ‘too hard’ basket, picking it up, sorting it out and taking it back to the business working in the way they want it to work. It’s great to help make people’s lives a bit easier.
There really is two-way respect at Zinfra – it’s everything. I’ve not encountered this level of rapport before. Everyone has a job to do, and we’re all in it together. Without each other, we don’t succeed, so it’s that feeling of genuine teamwork and encouragement.
I’ve had the opportunity to lead the Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB) Network for Zinfra Jemena Network Services (ZJNS), and it was great to be recognised as someone who could lead and encourage people to talk about these issues. We get together every two months and we talk about opportunities to improve DIB, and work with leadership to promote ideas and change as part of the broader corporate DIB roadmap. Things are happening in this space, 2023 is going to a big year for DIB across our business.
Personally, there are no barriers in my role to do what I do, or to progress in my career. At Zinfra, I feel there’s no impediment to take my career to the next level.
I would encourage people to join our team at Zinfra based on the opportunities I’ve been given, and the diversity offering we have here. There is plenty of work here for new people who want to join our business.
If you’re motivated and can get things done, this is the place to hit your stride. I’m in the prime of my career, and I wouldn’t have been able to get here in any other organisation. I know this because I’ve tried other organisations! This is the right culture for career progression and role expansion. There are opportunities here to show initiative and to be bold, and to do things better. I know I’ll still be with Zinfra in ten years’ time.